In addition to the online access listed below, the Law Library has COM documents as follows:
According to EUR-Lex, "preparatory documents" include Commission legislative proposals, Council common positions, legislative and budgetary resolutions and initiatives of the European Parliament, and opinions of the European Economic and Social Committee and of the Committee of the Regions, etc. COM Documents print legislative proposals with an explanatory memorandum. Example: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Common Fisheries Policy, COM (2011) 425 final (July 13, 2011). Green papers, white papers and other communications and reports issued by the Commission might also be printed as COM documents. If you are researching an adopted act, the final text of the adopted legislation (published in the O.J. L Series) usually provides a citation to the relevant treaty article(s) that are the basis of the legislation and to the "preparatory acts."