This section of the guide is a short introduction to book-based research. A more thorough how-to guide on book and eBook research is available here.
Should you run into questions or concerns with your research, feel free to reach out to the librarian assigned to your faculty member for specialized advice. Please check this list to determine which librarian you should contact.
Finding Books via the Library Catalog
Discovery and Julius are NYU Law Library's online catalogs. You can use them to search for many of the library's print and online resources, including books, in a variety of ways.
Once you locate a book, you can use the information in the catalog to find the print item in the library. The catalog will include the item's physical Location in the library, Availability, and Call Number, among other items. Items are arranged on the library's shelves by Call Number, hence this is needed to identify and locate the item on the shelves. Maps of the various library locations are available here.
Finding Books via Bobcat, the NYU Library's Catalog
In addition to the resources in the law library, as a member of the greater NYU community, you also have access to materials from the Bobst library. Their online catalog is called Bobcat.
Finding Print Books Not Held by NYU
While the law library and Bobst have a lot of print materials within their walls, we cannot carry every book. If you want to know what libraries in the area have a print copy of a particular material, you can search on WorldCat. WorldCat is a combined catalog from thousands of libraries across the globe. You may find materials held by the New York Public Library, for example. Note that your ability to access these materials may be limited based on specific library borrowing policies. Interlibrary Loan services are also available for books outside the NYU collection.
Finding eBooks via the Law Library and Bobcat Catalogs
Links for some, but not all, eBooks will appear in the NYU Law Library's catalogs, Discovery and Julius. Links for some eBooks also appear in NYU Bobst's Bobcat catalog. You should begin your search for eBooks there.
Finding eBooks Using eBook Central
If you cannot locate an eBook version of the resource, you should also check eBook Central, which is a collection of eBooks from many publishers.