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Law Library Basics: Westlaw/Lexis/Bloomberg Information

An introduction to the Law Library and Legal Research for students

Password Information

Passwords: The Law Library provides students with LexisNexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg Law passwords for educational purposes only.   Passwords will be available from the companies’ representatives during training sessions, or from the student representatives. Representatives will be either at a table near the Circulation Desk in the Main Reading Room, or at the desk outside Lenley Computer Lab.

Registering or updating your Westlaw Registration Key, and Bloomberg Law and LexisNexis Activation Codes:  Follow the instructions on the password form or link to the sites from JULIUS. Passwords must be registered or updated before they are functional.

Summer and Post-Graduate Access

I.                    LEXIS

LEXIS+  is available all summer for law students.  Lexis has announced  that your law school Lexis+ ID will remain active during the summer and that you will have unlimited access to the content available to you in law school to be used for your academic, as well as any summer associate or internship/clerkship purposes.

Whether working in a firm, government agency, any of the courts, or brushing up on your cost effective research skills, you will have unlimited access to Lexis Advance.   In other words,  for the months of June, July and August, we are expanding the permissible uses of your law school Lexis Advance ID to include use by you in these programs, including all research or other work you perform for the firm, agency, or court. You simply need to be registered for Lexis Advance.

Registering for Summer Access

 *   If you're already a registered Lexis Advance user, you don't need to do anything else to get Summer Access. Your current ID is all you need.
 *   If you aren't a registered Lexis Advance user yet (or aren't sure),  contact Nadjia Bailey  (

Graduating 3Ls and LLMs:

Sign in now with your law school Lexis Advance ID and you'll benefit from great resources. Lexis is extending access to May 2020 grads through Feb. 28, 2021. December 2020 grads have access to Lexis through 6/30/21. As you take that next step and start your professional career, count on us taking it with you.

II.                  BLOOMBERG LAW
Bloomberg Law provides unlimited and unrestricted access over the summer. Your student account will remain active and available all summer. And, you can use it without restrictions. If you are graduating, you have unlimited and unrestricted access to Bloomberg Law for six months after graduation

III.                 WESTLAW

3Ls - Recent Graduates: Recent graduates can have 60 hours of Westlaw per month through November to prepare for the bar and hone their research skill if they register for our Graduate Elite Program by logging on to and clicking on the banner, or clicking on the popup link to the program. Students get access to job searching databases on WL and TWEN for 18 months after graduation for 1-hour a month.

 If a student does not register for the Graduate Elite Program their passwords will only have access to a limited set of Job Search Databases for 1 year.

Summer Access

Summer access is available for 1Ls and 2Ls for the following purposes:

*             Summer law school classes

*             Moot Court

*             Project for a Professor

*             Law Review and Journal Work

*             Unpaid internship/externship or pro bono work required for graduation.

Students cannot use their passwords for work as a Summer Associate in a law firm or corporation or work in a Government entity or in any circumstance they are paid or receive a stipend.




Training: Student LexisNexis and Westlaw representatives will keep scheduled office hours throughout the year in the Main Reading Room to answer questions and provide refresher training sessions.   Representatives will follow this schedule for the Circulation Desk table: 

Bloomberg Law on Wednesdays from 11:30am - 2:30pm;

LexisNexis on Tuesdays from 9am - 2pm;

Westlaw on Thursdays from 11am - 3pm



Account Manager is Shawn Lopez (

Student Reps will be available at the hours listed under "Training" above.

You can also call the free Westlaw hotline for free help 24/7 at 1-800-850-9378


Representative is Nadjia Bailey  (

Student Representatives will be available at the hours listed under "Training" above.

You can also call Customer Support at 1-800-543-6862


Bloomberg Law:

Representative: Miche Jean ( )

You can also call Customer Support 24/7 at 1-888-560-BLAW