Publication Finder is an excellent option if you are looking for a particular electronic journal or eBook and don't want individual articles in your results. Click on the "Publications" link under "Research Tools" to access the Publication Finder.
What does Publication Finder do?
- Publication Finder allows you to search by title, ISSN/ISBN, author, subject, or publisher across NYU Law Library's electronic holdings.
- You can further limit the search parameters by choosing the type of search you want to conduct in the search bar. Search type defaults to Contains but can be changed to Any, Exact Match, Begins With, Proximity or Exact Phrase.
- Note: Publication Finder does not recognize quotation marks if you enter them in your search. If you want to retrieve an exact match, toggle the Search type drop-down to "Exact Phrase".
- The Publication Finder interface also allows you to browse by the name of databases and journal titles. To do so, click on the buttons showing the first 1-2 letters of the publication title you are interested in. For example, click "TA" for browsing full-text online titles starting with TA. You'll see results for Takeover Defense, Tanzania Law Reports, Tax Analyst, and so forth.
- For more details, please see the short overview article Searching the New Publication Finder Interface (EBSCO).
- You can also browse Publication Finder's Databases alphabetically by name or subject. This is similar to the Law Library's curated Law Databases A-Z List, but Publication Finder's databases are much broader in subject area.
How can I narrow my search results in Publication Finder?
- There are many options to filter down search results for full-text resources by subject, resource type, and more. You can also modify the search mode in the search bar.
When should I not use Publication Finder?
- Please note that Publication Finder does not retrieve print title results. For print books, print journals, and microfilm/microfiche, please use Discovery and choose "Catalog Only" from the "All Filters" button.
Other FAQs about Publication Finder