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Linking To Library Electronic Resources: Links to Books and eBooks

NYU Law Faculty are able to access many electronic resources for articles, cases, statutes, etc. This guide describes how to create links to these resources for your students in your Brightspace page.


There are two steps to providing a link to resources for your students:

Step one: locate the book

Step two: generate a link to the resource

The column on the left-hand side provides instructions for step one, locating the book or ebook. The column on the right-hand side provides instructions for step two, generating a link. 

Step One: Locating Books & eBooks

The first step in providing links to library resources for students is to find the resource yourself before generating a link. Actually finding a resource will involve different steps depending on what kind of resource you want to provide a link for. The boxes below will provide step-by-step instructions for locating online versions of various types of resources.

Locating Books & eBooks via the Discovery and Julius Catalogs

Discovery and Julius are NYU Law Library's online catalogs. You can use them to search for many of the library's print and online resources, including books.

Login to the Discovery catalog using your NYU ID: Search for the relevant title. More search tips can be found in this guide.

Alternatively, you may also generate a Julius permalink. Go to the Julius catalog, the title, exactly as it appears except for any colons, in the first search bar. Change the category from Keyword to Title using the drop-down menu. 

  • Note: you can also search by author. Author searches must be in this order: last name, first name. 

3. Results will appear for print books and/or eBooks. Sometimes, the catalog entry for a resource will contain a link to the electronic version and the location and call number for the print version; other times, there will be two separate catalog entries, one for the print and one for the electronic. 

4. Once you have located the page in the catalog for your resource (print or electronic), please go to step two, to the right, for instructions on how to generate a link.

For more strategies on finding eBooks, please click here.

Locating Books & eBooks via the Bobst catalog

1. Go to the NYU Bobst library,

2. Enter the title of the book in quotes.

3. Results will appear for print books and/or eBooks. Select your resource.

4. Click the "Short URL" option on the page and then paste the link into your materials. 

Step Two: Creating a Link to a Book or eBook

Note: when providing a link to an eBook, it is preferable to provide a link to the page in the Julius Catalog where students can click the link for online access, as opposed to providing the link to the material itself. Catalog links are generally more stable and would incorporate the NYU authentication required for access.

In Discovery, once you have located a catalog item, select the Share icon (a winding arrow), then click Create Link to generate a catalog link. Note that you have to login to Discovery to access this feature.

If you are using Julius, follow the steps below:

1. Select the catalog entry for the electronic version of the resource, if available. In the search example below, you can see that the second entry is the e-version of the book, noted by the word "Internet." If there is no electronic version but you want to provide your students with a link to the catalog entry for print resource, the same steps below apply.

2. Click the link that says "bookmark link for this record" to create a permalink to the catalog entry for the resource. 

3. Copy the link from your browser's search bar. You will notice the permalink is shorter than the link you were viewing before.

4. Insert the link. When students click the link, they can then use the links under the Online Access Provided By heading to whichever eBook database where we have access to the resource. Sometimes, we have access to the resource through more than one database. In that case, students can select either link.