If the company is publicly traded (i.e. lists its stock for sale on an exchange), the Bloomberg Terminal offers information on what they do, financial data, news and analytics.
Type the name of your company in the help box (IBM is an example in the image below). Bloomberg will make auto-suggestions as you type. Select the best match for your search.
Alternatively, if you know the ticker symbol for your company, type the symbol and the location of the exchange where it trades (Bloomberg uses two-letter country codes), and press the EQUITY key. Using IBM as an example, type IBM US, press the EQUITY button, and then the GO button.
The function panel will show the equity's trading volume and its price information. Based on our license and access, market data is delayed by 15 minutes.
When you select a company, the following menu of items will also appear. After you have selected a menu item and are finished with the data, use the BACK key to return to your previous page, or type Home in the Help box to return to Bloomberg's main screen to start a new search.
For example, if you chose GP Line Chart, you will be given the selected Company's historical stock price performance.
Step 1 - Create a message rule so that your alerts are automatically forwarded to your NYU email address.
Step 2 - Setup a news alert on any topic of interest.
Bloomberg Terminal assistance is available via email:
Click on the Help button once to access a help page; click on it twice to access the Help Desk
For further assistance, please Ask a Librarian. We are available via e-mail at lawlibref@mercury.law.nyu.edu.