Bloomberg Law integrates primary and secondary legal content, company and market information and news into one legal research system. A go-to resource for docket materials. Bloomberg tax resources offer primary and secondary tax materials, including BNA Portfolios and Daily Tax Report.
Training videos on Bloomberg Tax can be found here:
Passwords are provided to NYU Law faculty and currently-enrolled law students. Register for a Bloomberg Account by clicking the profile icon.
Designed by tax lawyers and experts in machine-learning, Blue J Tax is a suite of AI-powered research and analysis tools for tax practitioners.
Please email from your NYU address with your full name to register a new account. Faculty: if registering a complete class, please send a spreadsheet with all names and email addresses.
Checkpoint Edge is a comprehensive tax research system, encompassing federal, state, local and international tax primary and secondary materials. The Checkpoint platform provides access to a selection of RIA and Warren Gorham and Lamont publications including Federal Tax Coordinator, U.S. Tax Reporter, Journal of Taxation, Corporate Taxation, and Practical Tax Strategies.
You can create a personal login to be able to save search history be going here: These individual accounts last for one semester for NYU Law patrons and need to be re-registered each semester. You must use your NYU email address and registration must be done from an authorized IP address.
Lexis Plus contains legal and law-related documents, including federal and state cases, statutes, regulations, administrative rulings, legislative histories, legal newspapers and journals, and looseleaf services.
Passwords are provided to law faculty and currently-enrolled law students.
The Tax Analysts platform includes access to Tax Notes Federal, Tax Notes State, Tax Notes International, Exempt Organization Tax Review, and Worldwide Tax Treaties, as well as other primary tax content. Tax Notes publications feature reporting, analysis and commentary.
If you're on campus, go here to create your account. If you're off campus email to set up your account. Include your NYU email and your expected graduation date in that email. Alternatively, if you're off-campus, you can register after being connected through the VPN.
VitalLaw provides in-depth knowledge and expertise from attorney specialists and experts in tax law and many other areas. It includes analytical content and explanations; curated primary sources with history lines and notes and a variety of CCH and Aspen Publishers titles; practical tools, news, webinars, white papers and blogs.
You can create a personal login to be able to save search history, create folders, save favorites, and make customizations by going here:
For account support email
Westlaw offers primary and secondary tax materials, including RIA publications like Warren Gorham and Lamont treatises and journals and the US Tax Reporter. Many of Westlaw's tax materials are gathered in its practice area for "Tax."
Passwords are provided to law faculty and currently-enrolled law students.
If prompted for a Client ID, you may enter NYULAW or any text to continue.
"This historical archive contains . . . legislative history materials and other documents. It includes the complete Carlton Fox Collection which contains nearly 42 years of historical legislation related to the internal revenue laws from 1909-1950. It includes more than 100 other legislative histories related to taxation, economic reform, and stimulus plans. ." (HeinOnline) Most of Hein's material is available in PDF/image format.
****FAVORITE RESOURCE**** Gathering links to databases by subject areas: *Company & Financial Information (including databases with filing information) *Industry Information *Economic & Statistical Information *Country Information *Marketing Information *Journals/Newspapers/ *E-Books