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Federal Tax Research: Enacted Tax Legislation (Print Sources)

This guide provides information on federal tax law and identifies pertinent print and online resources available through the NYU Law Library.

Print Sources for Enacted Tax Laws


***If you have the citation for a historical federal statute--particularly the volume number and page number in the Statutes at Large, a straightforward way to pull it is to use an online source for the Statutes at Large/public laws, such as Hein Online's Statute at Large Library or Proquest Congressional's Bills & Laws collection. Find more here. These sources are not tax-focused.

Citation, Historical Tax Laws

The following citation resources may be informative.

  • Bluebook R.12, Statutes
  • TaxCite, Pt. 1, A, Internal Revenue Code & Federal Acts
  • TaxCite, Pt. 3, C., Tax Legislation (Listing citations for commonly cited legislation, as well as associated committee reports)