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Federal Tax Research: Historical Treatises

This guide provides information on federal tax law and identifies pertinent print and online resources available through the NYU Law Library.

Historical Treatises

Interlibrary Loan

NYU Law faculty and students can place interlibrary loan requests for material not owned or available through NYU Law Library or Bobst Library.

Find More Secondary Sources with Library Catalogs

Find more secondary sources using Julius, NYU Law Library's catalog, or other library catalogs:


Suggested subject heading search terms include;

  • Taxation -- United States 
  • Taxation -- Law and Legislation -- United States
  • Income tax -- Law and Legislation -- United States
  • Tax administration and procedure -- United States
  • Nonprofit organizations -- Taxation
  • Executives -- Taxation
  • Corporations -- Taxation
  • Partnership -- Taxation
  • Trusts and trustees -- Taxation
  • Inheritance and transfer tax 
  •  Gifts -- Taxation -- Law and legislation -- United States