This guide lists essential print and online sources for researching foreign law. NOTE: First 4 tabs list important general sources that might not be repeated in the dropdown tabs.
Dejure, produced by Giuffre Editore, is a collection of Italian case law, judgments and abstracts. It focuses mainly on Constitutional, Civil, Criminal, Administrative law and Tribunal Courts in Italy. In addition, this database also contains the full-text of Italian and European legislation, commentaries to sentences, as well as authoritative reviews from Italian periodicals such as Giurisprudenza di Merito, Foro Amministrativo and others. All material accessible through the DeJure database is in the Italian language.
Jurisdiction: Italy
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Torrossa provides full-text access to research in the humanities, social sciences, pure sciences, applied sciences, and law from a substantial list of major Italian publishers. Coverage includes monographs (eBooks), periodicals and conference proceedings. Some publications are in languages other than Italian. The extensive collection can be browsed by discipline (Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress Classification).
Jurisdiction: Italy
Adobe Acrobat is required to read the protected (DRM) ebooks. Ebook downloads expire after two weeks.
Edicola Professionale, owned by Wolters Kluwer, offers Italian language legal secondary sources. Titles that the Library has access to on this database are: Giurisprudenza Italiana, Rivista di Diritto Civile, Rivista Di Diritto Processuale and Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale. These titles often include summaries of recent legal decisions, and sometimes also publish the full-text of the case itself.
Fee-based database available to current NYU Law faculty, students and staff. Dejure, produced by Giuffrè Editore, is a collection of Italian case law, judgments and abstracts. It focuses mainly on Constitutional, Civil, Criminal, Administrative law and Tribunal Courts in Italy. Also contains the full-text of Italian and European legislation.
Contains machine-produced English translations of the legislation of Italy. Warning: Machine-based translations should not be relied upon in important documents and writings.
Free bibliographic database for Italian business law. Meaning, that the user can access citations to relevant material, but not the full-text itself. Search available in six languages, including English.
Use the 'Table of Contents' tab to navigate to this title. Countries arranged in alphabetic order. Includes the full text of the tax and commercial law of Italy in English.
Collection of Giuffre Italian legal journals within the DeJure. From the DeJure home page, click on "Network" dropdown menu and then click on "Riviste" in the Biblioteca part of the menu.
NYU Law's subscription to Edicola Professionale includes full-text access to the last year of Giurisprudenza Italiana, Rivista di Diritto Civile, Rivista Di Diritto Processuale and Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale. These titles often include summaries of recent legal decisions, and sometimes also publish the full-text of the case itself.
Click on the key icon for password, then scroll down to Edicola Professionale.
Offers bibliographical coverage of titles published in Italy, the Vatican City, the Republic of San Marino, the Italian canton of Switzerland, and Malta. Tables of Contents (ToC) and Full Text are available for selected titles.
Among other subjects, contains full-text access to over 330 Italian legal books and journals, from a variety of publishers. To see which legal titles this subscription includes, click on advanced search, check law and then hit search.